(Please excuse any small typos, my 'e' key works about 75% of the time and is dropping)
SO, America's dollar? up
America's credit rating? AA++
well, that's better than most of their inhabitants.
Stock Market?
It's in a bit of trouble to say the least. Dow Jones took another hug hit today as did most of the major indexes. It's a great time to short some stocks if you know what you'r doing!

I recently took out some money to start trading on the stock market. well, what I thought was the stock market. You see I have always had a liking of silver and the difference between that and gold is the largest it's been ever. SO what I got into was a futures market that allows you to trade 200:1 ratio with your dollar. so essentially you buy 200x more than the amount you're putting down. I (like the ignorant fool I was) put all my money in the market. I was up at the start (... up $1000 in two minutes?...) It didn't feel like real money. SO i kept it in, went up to make some delicious peanutbutter on toast, came down to see i had roughly 600$ left. I assumed what I owned I would keep, so I knew all of these commodities would rebound after a small drop, and they did... but not before thy sized my assets as I had no remaining cash to back them. (I'm not sure exactly how they can do this) but long story shot, I got kind of screwed. But I'm glad this happened, because to truly understand that fire's hot, you have to get burned by it. Knowledge only becomes wisdom with experience in my opinion.
London Riots!
Today (As I'm writing it) marks the fourth day of London riots. A lot of rioting and looting. A whole lot of energy and violence aimed at nothing... so senseless. You can see what has happened up to now at:
Libyan Civil War

You don't really hear much about Libya in the news anymore, since that whole 'people fighting for their freedom' month has passed, and we're back onto newer events. I'd like to give you some perspective on how the country's doing.
Well, it seems that the people are generally rallying behind the rebels and the government is holding on by sheer military control. As you can see from the picture to the left the government controls the central part of the country (mostly desert) as will as a small area around the capital with ongoing fighting for control of Tripoli. Uhh yeah, so looking pretty good for the rebels right now. Hopefully Gadaffi doesn't make a deal with North Korea.
damn tripoli looks like its gonna get beasted any time now.
ReplyDeletePrecious metal trading is a real hard one I've heard. Careful in there, a lot of people don't want their monopolies touched :)
ReplyDeletetough break on the stock market. good little quote about wisdom there though.
ReplyDeleteOuch. Kind of makes me want to run and hide. Actually, I have been looking for work and China needs a lot of English teachers. I wonder... Could we possibly make a trade? China could forget about our debt if we sent over 100,000 native English teachers? Or what if we allowed 1,000,000 Chinese to come work in America in return for a reduction in our debt? Or something crazy like that. Either way, Asia is the future. I'm just glad I married Asian.
ReplyDeletegood luck to the rebels of libya, but seriously i hope these riots stop now, getting utterly ridiculous
ReplyDeleteOf coarse they seized your assets, thats how they make money!
ReplyDeleteHuh, good to know that someone's keeping track of libya now that the news isn't anymore...
ReplyDeleteI like that you kept everything short and sweet. Conciseness is always good in my book.
London needs to get its stuff together.
ReplyDeleteI think the London riots aren't a very worthy cause, they're getting upset over 1st world issues
ReplyDeleteThe rioters in London are a bunch of low lifes. They are doing it simply because they can.
ReplyDeleteLol UK.
ReplyDeletehehe everybody is not f'ed up then?
ReplyDeletedark times lie ahead, harrry
ReplyDeleteNot sure why there's so much unrest over the credit score thing... seems like a bit of sensationalism has made it into our society. Great blog, +1 follower
ReplyDeleteApparently those London Riots are getting pretty crazy..
ReplyDeleteUgh stock market can screw you. Very interesting post, keep it up!
ReplyDeletedam stocks, I lost 200euro once.
ReplyDeleteI've been pumping money into a savings account merely because the markets currently make me very, very worried.