Sunday, March 27, 2011

I Just found this funny

A Catholic mayor has been court ordered to stop praying in his councils. I know that church and state should be separate, but this is a bit too far. when you fine someone $30,000 when they wont stop praying, that's a little too anti-religious. Doesn't this come under freedom of speech? the right to religion? I'm sure if a Muslim was mayor and had to do one of his 5 daily prayers he would be allowd because he HAS to do it. when it's optional suddenly shit hits the fan about what one can and cannot do. as long as he's not pushing it on anyone i don't see the problem with it


  1. I've gotta say I disagree with you. If he was just privately praying in his office or something there would be no problem, but he wasn't. He was starting the council meeting with a prayer, and because of the separation of church and state this is inappropriate. People who don't share his beliefs could legitimately feel that they are not welcome at the council meetings.

    You say if he was Muslim then there would be no uproar. I beg to differ. If a muslim was opening council meetings with prayers in arabic I have absolutely no doubt that the christians would be up in arms over this.

    Anyway loving the blog. Keep up the good work!

  2. very interesting. either way hes not forcing anyone to pray with him people need to stop getting so offended

  3. I think it would be fine if he was in his office, but when in council is wrong.

  4. too extreme for my taste but nonetheless really interesting and funny! for sure going to follow!

  5. I do think that is kind of ridiculous. While I am not religious myself, I realize others are and do feel the need to pray and otherwise practice their religion. As long as he's not forcing his religious opinions on anyone it should be fine.

  6. Foto voter you're wrong.
    Cuz if a Christian said anything about a muslim praying there would be calls for assassination attempts by liberals like you.
